NUTSHELL: Studying and acting in advance to align mind, feelings, will and body with God's (easiest) ways (and His gracious help) will enable you to be prepared beforehand to deal with wonderful opportunities to serve and to calmly deal with life's storms, because every morning, we can tell God, "Lord, you are in charge today. Nothing happens today outside of Your control! Thank You, Lord!" --DH, based on book's context "THOSE WITH A WELL-KEPT heart are persons who are prepared for and capable of responding to the situations of life in ways that are good and right." "The ideal of the spiritual life in the Christian understanding is one where all of the essential parts of the human self are effectively organized around God, as they are restored and sustained by him." "Spiritual formation in Christ is the process leading to that ideal end, and its result is love of God with all of the heart, soul, mind, and strength, and of the neighbor...