Getting our arms around the transformed life - a summary

ROMANS 12 – Think back over past holiday gatherings. Were they full of joy? Or bickering? Mocking? Put-downs? Belittling? Our hope today: that godly brothers/sisters/authors and God’s Word can shed some light on how we can bring light and grace to future gatherings at home and wherever we find ourselves. Along the line of family tensions, My lifelong buddy and I, both followers of Jesus, have talked and fretted over wayward children, now grown. Now we’ve discovered a book, shedding light on God’s Word and God’s Word shedding light on this book. The book is called Renovation of the Heart, Putting On the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard. The author talks about our messed up hearts or souls that need godly formation or transformation. What contributes to messing up our soul or heart or spirit: Rejection – in my own life: favoritism shown to my siblings, translating into rebellion and reinforced by lack of self-esteem and rejection by dates and unfaithful wives. Assault – we ...