A better response than "nobody's perfect"

Is it possible we rush to say, “Nobody’s perfect” because we’ve met so few people who show genuine love and move through life without superiority, insensitivity, or gossip? Maybe we have met a few but didn’t notice the beauty of their Christlikeness. Instead, we were impressed by other things—their ability to quote Bible verses or answer questions about world religions. Those who speak articulately about the Bible may draw our attention more than those who live a transformed life. Try picturing this hypothetical moment of dwelling on the beauty of God and the kingdom life: Let’s say I confessed to you my disgust with someone who annoyed me and how hopeless I felt about ever loving this person. What if instead of trying to make me feel better by saying, “Nobody’s perfect,” you said you believed in God’s power to transform me into a radical person who pays loving attention to those who annoy me? What if you prayed for me about this? What if later that day you encountered an annoying person and, without thinking, treated that person with kindness and attentiveness—partly because of the transforming effect of our conversation about the kingdom personality?  

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT  Read slowly these phrases describing the kingdom life and personality: to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge to be filled with all the fullness of God power at work within us able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy genuine mutual love pouring from their hearts without malice, guile, insincerity, envy, and slander Thank God for the beauty of the kingdom life and for the possibility of the transformation of your soul. Spend a minute or two longing for the kingdom of God in your life: “Thy kingdom come! Thy will be done!”

Johnson, Jan; Willard, Dallas (2014-01-31T22:58:59). Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice: Experiments in Spiritual Transformation (Redefining Life) . The Navigators. Kindle Edition. 



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