God is restoring my broken soul today

The idea of “death to self” is radical in a culture that tells us it’s normal to beef up our résumé, exaggerate our successes, and put forward the foot that impresses others most. After we recover from the shock that growing disciples of Jesus are to die to self-promotion, we find it difficult to believe it’s possible to live a rich life in God in which we lack nothing! 

We won’t have to fake this (having to pretend we don’t want to be rich, thin, or own a fancy car). It will be normal because we are caught up in God’s life. We really will be okay; in fact, we’ll be so much better than we’ve ever been before. 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Quiet yourself and try to truly believe the ideas in Psalm 23:1-3. Picture this sheep who is surrounded by green pastures yet isn’t on his feet munching away. This sheep is so full and satisfied that he contentedly lies down without needing even a bite. Move through the verses in a way such as this (fill in the blanks with details from your life): Maybe the Lord really is my shepherd today. Perhaps I really do have everything I need, even when it comes to_________. The Lord will provide me green pastures, even though I may not recognize them at first. I may think that what I need is missing, but it will be there. I’ll figure that out faster if I rest (lie down) in God. The still waters are there for me to drink from any minute I need them. In certain events today, such as __________, I may need them frequently. 

God is restoring my broken soul today. It is healthier than ever. When I become confused today, God will guide me in the right path. Again, I may not recognize it until later, but I can trust God's name, God's presence and God's power in my life today.

Dallas Willard



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