Ruined soul - observing, seeking & mimicking the opposite, Part 2

Think about someone you have known who exemplified genuine purity and humility, selflessness, freedom from rage and depression. Usually such folks have none of the Christian “celebrity” trappings about them. They are often overlooked, even by Christians. 

They may ask questions no one wants to address, but it’s hard to dismiss them because they can ask these questions with gentleness and kindness. They are not living on the same terms as the general culture, and so others might find this confusing.  
Contact such a person, if possible. Or contact someone who knew that person well. Ask questions such as, “What is the most important thing to you? Why isn’t it important to you to be the center of attention? What advice would you give me?” 

If such contact isn’t possible, journal for a few moments about one of these things: 
-What attracted you to that person? 
-Did you dismiss this person, as others may have? 

Ask God to show you what you need to know about yourself. Have you perhaps been this selfless now and then? If so, what precipitated it? Then speak to God about your ruined soul: 
-the lack of genuine purity, 
-and the existence of rage and depression. 

Thank God for the picture of Jesus Christ given in the New Testament and for the fact that Jesus makes it possible for us to be transformed.

Johnson, Jan; Willard, Dallas. Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice: Experiments in Spiritual Transformation (Redefining Life) (pp. 35-36). The Navigators. Kindle Edition. 



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