Spiritual disciplines lead to transformed love's action & service

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - What would it look like for you to “take love itself—God’s kind of love—into the depths of your being through the way of spiritual formation”? Consider the following next steps:
- Read through a gospel, pausing to reflect on and relish each loving thing Jesus did.
- Focus on just one loving thing Jesus did and picture his face as he did it. Maybe even put yourself in the place of the person Jesus loved for a moment and absorb that love. And then hold on to that loving look on Jesus’ face as you go to sleep tonight.
- Spend a few minutes with the most loving person you know, thanking God the entire time for such a window into the heart of God standing right there next to you.
- Do some small act of service for someone you love who is feeling overwhelmed: Make his bed, clean her toilet, or make that difficult telephone call he has been dreading.

If you choose to do any of these things (which are examples of the spiritual disciplines of study, meditation, community, and service), do them slowly with the intention of exploring the way God loves in the midst of them. Let that vision of God’s love be God’s gift to you today.

Johnson, Jan; Willard, Dallas (2014-01-31T22:58:59). Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice: Experiments in Spiritual Transformation (Redefining Life) . The Navigators. Kindle Edition. 



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