Distorted images of God

Carefully placed images persuade us to forgo thinking and accept ideas we might normally question. For example, putting the flag of one’s country on a product or event aims to brand it as good and wholesome when it may not be. Images that seem benign in movies may also “teach” an idea that, if we thought about it, would appall us. But we unthinkingly accept the idea because we like the image. 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Consider your images of God. While Scripture puts forth images such as breath and wind and fire and cloud, be honest with yourself: What really comes to mind when you think of God? For many, God is a benevolent giant who is too busy for them, a clever boss who pulls the rug out from under them just when they thought they knew what was going on, or a hard-nosed teacher who demands much of them. Give some thought to what ideas drive your images of God. What do you routinely think about God (even though you might never tell anyone at church)? Finish this sentence: God is the kind of being who . . . 

Pause and pray. Ask God to show you your true images of him. Once you have recognized them, consider some new images that represent the true love and goodness of God: one who sings over you, quieting you with love (see Zephaniah 3:17); one who shelters you from chaos under his wings or hidden in a strong tower (see Psalm 91:4; Proverbs 18:10); a jilted lover who keeps wooing you and calling, “Return to me” (see Jeremiah 3:6-10); a column of fire guiding you, continually moving in front of you (see Exodus 13:21-22). Consider choosing an image of God to put at the front of your mind as soon as you wake up in the morning or as you drift to sleep at night.



  1. I think I am fortunate, as I see an all powerful, loving God, who created man and even created me with my skills and some abilities. I see a God who is in total control of the universe and the Earth and even mankind. I see a God who is creating heaven for our future, a heaven that is perfect, built for the elected and designed perfectly so that we will totally enjoy our eternity whatever eternity will look like.


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