Small steps to huge results in transformation

As we become more and more enthralled by the vision of the kingdom of God, it follows that we want to be shaped by God and so live life more intentionally. We start making small plans and taking tentative steps for this change. With God’s grace drawing us along, we arrange our lives differently. 

We give up certain activities because we want time to do things we’re reasonably sure will help reshape us. Here and there, we give up a shopping trip, doing without an item we thought we needed (frugality), because we’d rather reread a book that really spoke to us (study and meditation). We intentionally take stationery with us to the doctor’s office so that as we sit in the waiting room we can jot a note to our friend’s son who is in jail, instead of reading whatever magazines happen to be there (service). We make a little effort to arrive at church early to greet that stranger who’s been sitting alone at the back of the sanctuary (welcoming strangers). 

We aren’t heroic about these things, and we don’t turn them into chores, but we take seriously the ideas for disciplines that come to us that are most likely the prodding of the Holy Spirit. As the means help us, our vision and intention become stronger yet. 

TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - What disciplines, if any, do you find yourself drawn to? Consider small practices of solitude, silence, prayer, meditation, study, confession, reflection, service, secrecy, frugality, fasting, community, worship, and celebration. How might practicing some of these disciplines enhance your vision of the kingdom of God? 

Perhaps you found value in reading those gospel chapters mentioned a few devotions ago and would like to do that on a regular basis (study and meditation). Perhaps there are people you know whose lives resemble the teaching and character of Jesus and you would like to serve alongside them in a project they’re involved in (service and community). 

Perhaps reading this book is helping you see that you need to spend a morning in solitude, practicing the presence of God and confessing what has come to you in the reading. Perhaps you would like to pray for a neighbor who has triumphed over you so that the next time you’re on the spot with that person, you can behave with love and concern. Ask God to show you what is next.

Dave's thought: Dave Ramsey teaches this concept of baby steps to financial freedom. Build an emergency fund. Get out of debt, starting with the smallest. Live on beans and rice: live like no one else so that soon you can live like no one else!



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