Your partnership

Am I undertaking some task? Then I in faith do it with God, assuming and finding his power to be involved with me. That is the nature of his kingdom. Is there an emergency? I will meet it with the knowledge that God is in the midst of it with me and will be calm in a center of intense prayer. Am I praised? My thoughts (and feelings) will move immediately to the goodness of God in my life. Am I condemned or reproached? I know that God is supporting and helping me because he loves me and has a future for me. Am I disappointed and frustrated? I rest in the knowledge that God is over all and that he is working things out—that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called into the fulfillment of his purposes.” And so forth. 

...But why a moral calamity? Because absolutely nothing can inform, guide, and sustain radical and radiant goodness in the human being other than this true vision of God and the worship based thereon. Only this vision can jerk the twisted condition of humanity right. Immanuel Kant said, “Nothing straight can be constructed from such warped wood as that which man is made of.”9 And humanly speaking he was right. But what is impossible with men is possible with God.

WHEN GOD STANDS BEFORE us, we stand before him. Refusing to worship him is a way of trying to avoid his face and his eyes.

The so-called “right to privacy” of which so much is made in contemporary life is in very large measure merely a way of avoiding scrutiny in our wrongdoing. pp. 108-9 SOURCE



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