
Following our VIM pattern (we transform by fostering V ision, I ntentions and M eans) we must intend this and decide that it shall be in all we are and do. [Means: find resources and write down steps to fulfillment] We may need to write out what those feelings are in a “letter to the Lord,” or perhaps confer about them with a wise Christian friend who knows how to listen to us and to God at the same time. Journaling about progress with feelings can also help. It can bring to light the ideas and images or past events on which the destructive feelings are based. Those, too, will need to be replaced or revised. Many such details may play a role as we progress toward predominance of love, joy, and peace in that dimension of our mind and our self that is our feelings. We have noted how we go wrong in trying to manipulate feelings themselves without regard to their underlying condition. Feelings have a crucial role in life, but they must not be taken as a basis for action or character change...