
Showing posts from April, 2021

Reading goal checked off or meet and know God now?

To read certain verses to fulfill a Bible reading system is not to take the Scripture in, to dwell upon it, to ponder its meaning and to explore its implications. Often, it’s an effort to perform, to check off one more thing I need to do today to be a decent Christian.  This explains why many folks know a lot of Bible trivia but do not meet God when they open the Scripture. To dwell, to ponder, to explore means reading slowly and wondering what life, reality, or even I personally would look like if this passage were really true. It means asking, What is God saying to me today?  TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Read the following slowly: “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians ...

Retaking our toxic thought life

INFORMATION AND THE ABILITY TO THINK - Two other factors in our thought life can be used by God to break the power of the toxic system of ideas and images that make us dead to God. These are information (or facts) and our ability to think—to connect things in our mind.  After God has implanted new life from above in us by Word and Spirit, we must take the initiative in progressively retaking the whole of our thought life for God’s kingdom. Failure to know what God is really like and what his law requires destroys the soul, ruins society, and leaves people to eternal ruin: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” and “A people without understanding comes to ruin” (Hosea 4:6,14, NRSV).  This is the tragic condition of Western culture today, which has put away the information about God that God himself has made available. Spiritual formation requires thinking. The gospel of Jesus repudiates false information about God and the meaning of human life, and it wor...
INFORMATION AND THE ABILITY TO THINK - Two other factors in our thought life can be used by God to break the power of the toxic system of ideas and images that make us dead to God. These are information (or facts) and our ability to think—to connect things in our mind.  After God has implanted new life from above in us by Word and Spirit, we must take the initiative in progressively retaking the whole of our thought life for God’s kingdom. Failure to know what God is really like and what his law requires destroys the soul, ruins society, and leaves people to eternal ruin: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” and “A people without understanding comes to ruin” (Hosea 4:6,14, NRSV).  This is the tragic condition of Western culture today, which has put away the information about God that God himself has made available. Spiritual formation requires thinking. The gospel of Jesus repudiates false information about God and the meaning of human life, and it wor...

Distorted images of God

Carefully placed images persuade us to forgo thinking and accept ideas we might normally question. For example, putting the flag of one’s country on a product or event aims to brand it as good and wholesome when it may not be. Images that seem benign in movies may also “teach” an idea that, if we thought about it, would appall us. But we unthinkingly accept the idea because we like the image.  TODAY’S EXPERIMENT - Consider your images of God. While Scripture puts forth images such as breath and wind and fire and cloud, be honest with yourself: What really comes to mind when you think of God? For many, God is a benevolent giant who is too busy for them, a clever boss who pulls the rug out from under them just when they thought they knew what was going on, or a hard-nosed teacher who demands much of them. Give some thought to what ideas drive your images of God. What do you routinely think about God (even though you might never tell anyone at church)? Finish this sentenc...

Replacing/transforming our destructive ideas & images

IMAGES: IDEAS PICTURED - Closely associated with governing ideas are images, which are concrete or specific as opposed to the abstractness of ideas. They are laden with feeling. In recent history, hair (long, short, skinhead, green, orange, purple) has provided powerful images of conflicting idea systems.  In many churches today, the services have divided into traditional and contemporary, so that the guitar and pipe organ are no longer just musical instruments but powerful symbols. Such divisions are not unimportant or sinful, but one does have to understand what drives such divisions in order to act responsibly in relation to them. Jesus carefully selected an image that conveys himself and his message: the cross. It presents the lostness of humans as well as the sacrifice of God and the abandonment to God that brings redemption. No doubt it is the all-time most powerful image and symbol of human history.  Ideas and images can be a stronghold of evil in the human...

Our ideas: deceptions to impress people?

When I do something to impress others, I reveal that I live out of a core set of ideas that I believe will advance my reputation if I pursue them. These ideas may spring from my personal longings or those established by society—governing ideas highly regarded by family, friends, strangers I meet at retreats or speaking engagements, and the culture at large.  But in my pursuit of these ideas (such as the appearance of being in control), I am not trusting that the Lord is my Shepherd and that God provides everything I need—including the reputation I deserve. From a kingdom perspective, the ideas I’ve adopted—powerful as they may be—are deceptions.  Our versions of these ideas are often a mystery to us and may have little to do with what we profess to believe. We’re not being deceitful—we simply don’t realize what our core ideas are. One way to discover them is to look backward at one of our behaviors, choices, or responses to someone and ask, What does this tell me ...

God can transform your conformist ideas

IDEAS: FROM DARK TO LIGHT - Two of the most powerful facets in the realm of thought are ideas and images. Ideas are ways of thinking about and interpreting things. They are so essential to how we approach life that we often do not understand when and how ideas are at work.  Our idea system grows up with us from childhood out of the teachings, expectations, and behaviors of family and community. People are often so far in the grip of ideas that they can’t be bothered to think. They don’t know what moves them, but ideas govern them and have their consequences anyway.  Examples of ideas are freedom, education, happiness, “the American Dream,” the feminine or masculine, and so on. To see ideas in action, look closely at artistic endeavors, especially movies and music, which encapsulate most of pop culture, and at efforts to persuade, especially politics and commercials.  Look, for example, at the place freedom, a major idea now, plays in automobile ads and rock l...

Freedom: change your mind to bless the obnoxious (like you & me?)

The idea that our first freedom is where we put our mind is a fundamental one that can guide our lives. For example, I was ruled by self-pity for many years and saw myself as the victim of others. The change in my thinking occurred as I began putting my mind elsewhere—on God as an abiding presence in my life, conscious that just maybe the Lord really is my Shepherd today and I just might have everything I need.  When I understand that my first freedom is where I place my mind, I examine what I’ve been dwelling on the last few minutes. Regarding a certain person, what thoughts have I had about him or her? I have alternatives now.  -I can change my thoughts and bless that person, especially if he or she is difficult for me in some way.  -I can focus my mind on praying for that person.  -I can ask God to guide me in some way to help that person.  This idea also makes use of the VIM (Vision-Intention-Means) pattern. Where I put my mind creates my vision...

Freedom of God-governed, not me-governed; realigning with God

OUR FIRST FREEDOM - The ultimate freedom we have as human beings is the power to select what we will allow our mind to dwell upon. There the light of God first moves upon us through the Word of Christ, and there the Divine Spirit begins to direct our will to thoughts that help us realign ourselves with God and his way.  By thoughts we mean memories, perceptions, and beliefs, as well as what we would ordinarily refer to when we say, “I thought of you yesterday.” When we constantly and thoughtfully engage ourselves with the ideas, images, and information that are provided by God through the Scriptures, his Son Jesus, and the lives and experiences of his people through the ages, we are nourished by the Holy Spirit in ways far beyond our own efforts or understanding. This transforms our entire life.  All that enters our mind, and especially the thoughts that first come to mind as we encounter people and events, will be healthy, godly, and good. The conclusions we jump...

Small steps to huge results in transformation

As we become more and more enthralled by the vision of the kingdom of God, it follows that we want to be shaped by God and so live life more intentionally. We start making small plans and taking tentative steps for this change. With God’s grace drawing us along, we arrange our lives differently.  We give up certain activities because we want time to do things we’re reasonably sure will help reshape us. Here and there, we give up a shopping trip, doing without an item we thought we needed (frugality), because we’d rather reread a book that really spoke to us (study and meditation). We intentionally take stationery with us to the doctor’s office so that as we sit in the waiting room we can jot a note to our friend’s son who is in jail, instead of reading whatever magazines happen to be there (service). We make a little effort to arrive at church early to greet that stranger who’s been sitting alone at the back of the sanctuary (welcoming strangers).  We aren’t heroi...

Create the means to a Christlike mindset & action

VIM: MEANS - The V ision and solid I ntention to obey Christ will naturally lead us to seek out and apply the M eans to that end. We have rich resources for these means in the example and teachings of Jesus, in the Scriptures, and in his people. Through such means, the inner character of the “lost” person is replaced with the inner character of Jesus: his vision, understanding, feelings, decisions, and character.  When my neighbor who has triumphed over me in the past now stands before me with a need I can remedy, I will not be able to do the good thing on the spot if my inner being is filled with thoughts, feelings, and habits that characterize the ruined soul.  If I intend to obey Jesus Christ, I must find the means of changing my inner being until it is substantially like his, pervasively characterized by his thoughts, feelings, habits, and relationship with the Father.  When not on the spot, I can retrain my thinking by study and meditation on Christ hims...

"Just the way I am"? Beating yourself up? Determine with hope to move forward

A certain fatalism in our culture convinces us that inner change is not likely to occur. We say such things as, “That’s just the way I am.” We even urge ourselves and others to accept this and be done with it.  Perhaps we do this in place of beating ourselves up, which is a destructive habit many Christians have. But recognizing and accepting one’s current condition is only a place to start—a valuable preliminary step.  There is hope! Now that I see who I really am—lazy, moody, or pretentious—what am I to do next? What is the way forward? These are questions we ask of God and perhaps also of a friend or spiritual director. God will surely give us direction—small, ingenious ideas that will change us on the inside.  TODAY’S EXPERIMENT -  Reflect upon what has perhaps blocked your intentions toward spiritual formation: You don’t have an adequate vision of life in God’s kingdom. You haven’t seriously examined what Jesus said and did, so that you can attempt ...

What do you INTEND to do about transformation?

 VIM*: INTENTION - The problem of spiritual transformation among those who identify themselves as Christians today is not that it is impossible or that means to it are not available. Rather, the problem is that it is not intended. People do not see the value of transformation and decide to carry through with it. They do not decide to do the things Jesus did and said.  This is largely due to the fact that they have not been given a vision of life in God’s kingdom so that such a decision and intention would make sense. The entire VIM of living the life of Christ is not the intentional framework of their lives. Those who minister to them do not bend every effort to make it so.  The vision of life in the kingdom through reliance upon Jesus makes it possible for us to intend to live in the kingdom as he did. We can actually decide to do it.  First of all, we trust him, rely on him, and count on him being the Anointed One, the Christ. We intend to obey the example and teac...

Access the Kingdom of God within you

One of the benefits of reading the Gospels over and over is how they give us a picture of life in the kingdom of God. Because Jesus operated out of that kingdom, he was so full of compassion and justice that he temporarily suspended his own arrest to lean over and heal the wound of his captor’s servant (see Luke 22:51). ( Imagine—he could have made his captors disappear .)  Out of that kingdom Jesus understood the necessary manipulation of matter, so that walking on water was possible not only for himself but also for a disciple he wished to teach. In many intriguing conversations with him, others saw that he lived out of a place completely different from this planet.  The idea that the kingdom of God is within us, that it is present and available to all who seek it, is one of the most exciting truths of Scripture. Life in this kingdom is possible today as I do mundane things that could bore me, as I work at projects that seem beyond my skills, as I deal with peop...

Focus your vision to foster transformation

VIM (Vision-Intention-Means): VISION OF LIFE IN THE KINGDOM - This vision of the kingdom is where Jesus started and where we must also start. He came announcing, manifesting, and teaching the availability and nature of the kingdom of the heavens. “For I was sent for this purpose,” he said (Luke 4:43).  The kingdom of God is the range of God’s effective will, where what God wants done is done.[1] Earth and its immediate surroundings seem to be the only place in creation where God permits his will to not be done. Therefore we pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10, KJV) and hope for the time when that kingdom will be completely fulfilled even here on earth, where, in fact, it is already present (see Luke 17:21) and available to those who seek it with all their heart (see Matthew 6:33; 11:12; Luke 16:16).  For those who seek it, it is true even now that all things work together for their good and that nothing can cut the...

What will we actually do to change our bad behavior?

When we do things we later regret—especially when we do them publicly or are found out in some way—we often forge great intentions to change. It’s possible the prominent leader mentioned earlier regretted his actions privately but noticed that it was effective when the one who questioned him about it was chastised. He was affirmed in this anger, and the pattern will continue. On the other hand, perhaps he kicked himself for losing his temper and asked God for the umpteenth time to change him. Such regret usually does not change us.  But what if that person met with some folks who loved him, and together they devised some simple disciplines to help him stop managing his world with anger and contempt? Perhaps his vision of life in the kingdom—in which he didn’t insist on his own way—would fuel this intention to follow through as he was bolstered by those who loved him. Perhaps he would go on to become someone who invited questioning, and all his endeavors would profit en...

Does blowing up reveal the real you? What's your plan?

Recently I learned that one of the most prominent leaders in an important segment of Christian life “blew up,” became uncontrollably angry, when someone questioned him about the quality of his work. This was embarrassing, but it is accepted (if not acceptable) behavior; in this case, the one who was questioning him was chastised.  That is a familiar pattern in both Christian and non-Christian power structures. What are we to say about the spiritual formation of that leader? The same questions arise with reference to lay figures in areas of life such a politics, business, entertainment, or education who show the same failures of character while openly identifying themselves as Christians.  It is unpleasant to dwell on such cases, but they must be squarely faced. The sad thing when any individual “fails” is not just what he does but also his heart and inner life that are revealed when he does it. We find out who he has been all along, what his inner life has been like, and no do...

Death to self in small steps, but eternity now!

When I first began contemplating “death to self,” I nearly became morbid about it. But as I meditated on Scripture passages about this topic, I noticed how each also spoke of being enabled to live a new, eternal kind of life. The grain of wheat dies, but then it bears much fruit; disciples of Jesus hate (or prefer God’s life over) their life but get to keep their life for eternal life (see John 12:24-25). Those who are crucified with Christ and no longer live have Christ living in them and live a life in their body by the faith of the Son of God (compared to my decrepit faith; see Galatians 2:20).  I found that death to self occurs in small steps. Every day I volunteer for small deaths to self, and I experience a little more of that fruit-filled eternal kind of life from above—right here and now on this planet. After a while, a selfless life begins to make sense. It seems silly to repay evil for evil—what good does that do? Wouldn’t it be smarter not to fight fire with...

Conflict - anger - my way - less self - joy

STANDING FOR THE RIGHT WITHOUT EGOTISM - One source of difficulty in dying to self is that we may confuse our desire for what is good and right with our desire to have our own way. In many controversies, important values are at stake and people are passionately committed to each side. That is as it should be.  But more often than not, the contempt and anger that emerges in the conflict manifests the will to have our way. Families, churches, communities, and sovereign nations become embroiled in deadly conflicts that would disappear or be resolved but for the relentless will to have our way. “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies,” Jesus said, “it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life [soul] loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal” (John 12:24-25).  Does dying to self mean we will be without feeling? Far from it. Apprentices of Jesus become disturbed about many things and pas...